Week 4/20

I’m finished with 4 weeks already and here is some stats from my first 16 workouts.

I have one excel file at my computer where I keep all of my sets and reps, but I also have a notebook which I use at the gym. And also an app on my phone to keep records and see stats and graphs. I’ll upload graphs everytime I have a deload week, which is every 7th week.

Here’s the volume per week and per workout: (I use kilos, not lbs)

So far, so good and everything is working as I’ve planned. Except a few days where I went to the gym with a friend where I did some bits outside of my program, no big deal, as long as I stick to my excercises.

Thursday was the first day I really felt strong for the first time since I started. By that I mean that everything felt really easy that day, maybe I slept better or recovered better. I don’t know. And then friday came and knocked me right out… I was at the gym for about 75 minutes, which is a long time. I usually try to get out under 60 minutes. And then straight to golf simulator for 2 more hours. Saturday was very long indeed….

But I feel better today (sunday) and looking forward tomorrow and the last 2 weeks before a deload week.


And here is some stats about my weight:

I’ve gained 4.5 kilos since I started my program. I still haven’t counted every single calorie I eat, but I’m usually at around 3000+. This is because I have a few meals that I know the calorie amount. And according to my weight I’m eating in surplus.


According to my watch I’m burning a ton of calories at the same time:

An average of 3100 calories burned everyday. Something that is completely normal for me. I usually lay around 2800 plus minus.

But my body feels fine, and it seems that I do recover just in time for the next workout. I’ll add some more weight tomorrow, which I’ll use for the next 2 weeks. Hopefully my body will feel good about that as well.

Back at it tomorrow morning. Now I’m gonna relax with another pint of ice cream….