Protein Chokladboll

Protein Chokladboll recipe. Use this recipe as a base to build upon.

175 g oats
80 g casein powder
10 Cocoa powder
1.5 dl milk
1 dl coffee
5 grams of sugar, or a sweetener. I use erythritol.
1 ts salt.

1. Mix everything in a bowl with a hand mixer. You can do it by hand with a spoon as well, but it will make it a lot more messy.

2. Roll and form 16 small balls at 50 grams each.

3. Put them in an airtight container and into the fridge . These are especially good with coffee!

Macros for 1 ball

Traditional Chokladboll, has shredded coconut on the outside. But it works just as fine without it or maybe blend it into the mix if you like. Use this recipe as a base, and experiment with you own taste. Everyone has different preferences on protein powder as well, I used casein with chocolate flavour.
Let me know if you try it